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TIRA Members Europe

Icon Relocation




ICON Relocation Ltd, was formed in 2001 and is one of the leading UK based relocation companies with offices in Sussex and Hertfordshire.

Icon Relocation is a specialist on destination services for both UK and global based clients as well as many of the world’s leading relocation management companies. Services provided include a wide range of home search solutions, schooling, settling in, property management, payment services and move management requirements.

An award winning company, securing the respected European Destination Service Provider of the Year EMMA Award in 2014 as well as being shortlisted for the same honour in four further years and is the only UK relocation company to have achieved this result.

Our sister company, ICON Moving Services provides a specialist removal solution for our clients around the world offering high quality support at extremely competitive pricing and has also been shortlisted for the EMMA Awards for the past two years.

Icon Relocation has been the holder of the EuRA Global Quality Seal Award since 2008, allowing it be confirmed as the only UK based company to have retained the seal for this length of time.

Our approach is to ensure that the highest possible client experience is provided, whilst ensuring that the services and support is adjusted and tailored to meet each of our clients’ needs in full.

Simon Johnston is the CEO of Icon Relocation and the founder member of the group in 2001. Having entered the relocation industry in 1988 after previously worked within the real estate industry, Simon worked for the leading UK Relocation Management Company for 7 years before accepting the position of Relocation Manager for a global food company.

After successfully competing a wide range of developmental projects for this company over the following 8 years, Simon left to form ICON Relocation to provide the same leading support to a companies across the UK.

Holder of the GMS qualification and also active member of the ARP (The Association of Relocation Professionals) reinforcing a long term commitment to providing the highest level of quality to our clients.

Simon Johnston (CEO)

Icon House, Fernbank Centre
High Street
East Sussex, TN6 2QY, London

Contact: + 44 (0)1892 600500
Fax: + 44 (0)1892 600520
Mobile: + 44 (0)7736 777355

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