HUSSEIN – IMMIGRATION . TAX . RELOCATION – is led by its founding partner, Ammar Hussein, a professional who has been working in the field of global mobility since 1997 and who founded Hussein in 2001.
Ammar Hussein is a lawyer and academic, specializing in International Law and Business Law from PUC-SP and INSPER, and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Private International Law at the renowned University of São Paulo (USP).
Over the span of more than two decades in the global mobility market, HUSSEIN stands out for the efficiency of its processes and the high qualification of its professionals. HUSSEIN maintains a portfolio of corporate clients consisting of leading multinational companies in their respective sectors, many of which have been served by HUSSEIN for over two decades. In this sense, the maintenance of long-term relationships is one of HUSSEIN’s most prominent characteristics. In such a competitive market in this ever-evolving world, maintaining relationships with market-leading companies not only represents an asset for HUSSEIN but also demonstrates competence and the ability to innovate and adapt to changing times.
Company owner: Ammar Hussein – (Managing Partner)
Rua Pamplona
818, 9th Floor
Jd. Paulista
São Paulo – SP
CEP: 01405-001
Contact: +55 11 3170.1670
Mobile: +55 11 9 8213.8739