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Home Conseil Relocation




Home Conseil Relocation

Dominique Berthoux founded Home Conseil Relocation in 1991 to serve the relocation needs of companies, people and their families.

After studying accounting, she began her career in the real estate industry. With a passion for communication and human relations, she set out working solo, offering destination services to corporate customers. She then expanded business services and founded the first and leading international relocation group in Lyon.

Dominique has been a former Vice President of the SNPRM (a French Relocation Association) and she is now a founding member of the new French Federation of Relocation industry players, FAR&mg.

With a multi-lingual and experienced team of consultants, Home Conseil Relocation handles not only individual national and international mobility missions, but also relocation for larger groups of employees throughout France. In 1995, Home Conseil Relocation also specialized in immigration procedures and has acquired a qualifying reputation in this area. In 2003, new relocation competencies were added to its service offerings with expatriation management and tenancy management.

As a member awarded with the EuRA Global Quality Seal, Home Conseil Relocation demonstrates a total commitment to Quality.

Based in Lyon, France’s second largest city in terms of economic vibrancy, Home Conseil Relocation serves the relocation needs of businesses throughout France and especially in Paris, with a team of qualified consultants.

Jérémy Berthoux (Managing Director)

261, rue Dugesclin
69003 Lyon

Contact: +33.437.905.000
Fax: +33.437.905.510

  • 2022 ISO: 9001 Certifcation
  • 2022 EuRA Global Quality Seal (EGQS) credential
  • 2022 Graebel – Preferred Partner Award
  • 2018 Graebel – Consultant Choice award, honorable mention
  • 2018 BGRS, EMEA, Silver
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