Three of The International Relocation Associates (TIRA)‘s priorities include building trusted and sustainable client relationships, investing in our own talent, and consistently achieving excellent results even under tough circumstances.
A recent article, featured in Corporate Compliance Insights entitled 3 Keys for Tough Times: Relevance, Culture, Alignment cites survey results from 3,000 CEOs that emphasize the importance of maintaining relevance as the “call to action of the times” during ongoing disruption and uncertainty.
TIRA’s aligned global network of entrepreneurs seeks like-minded organizations who are dedicated to exchanging innovative ideas, adopting a learning mindset, and operating ethically and sustainably. We understand that to sustain relevance, we ask ourselves if our strategies and outcomes are right in light of the talent mobility and geopolitical landscape. Members change course, innovate and find practical solutions that support the future of work.
TIRA’s allied global network embodies staying ahead of the curve; culture and alignment in respecting each company’s culture that brings value to our clients and each other; and commitment to guiding principles of standards, expertise, and collaboration.
Written by: Susan Ginsberg, Founder SRG ADVISORY
#tiranetwork #relevance #alignment #talentmobility #globalmobility #culture #relocation