BREXIT News: the online platform enabling British citizen residing in France before January 1st, 2021, to apply for a resident permit under the Article 50 – Withdrawal agreement is now offline since March 1st, 2022.
Nonetheless, it is still possible to apply for a resident permit for British citizen as a few derogations exist.
Such an application is indeed possible without any time limitation for those falling into the following categories:
- Children (British or third-party country national) of British nationals (or their spouse) benefitting from the withdrawal agreement resident permit upon reaching the age of 18. The application must be lodged within one year of reaching 18 years of age.
- Family members (British or third-party country national) who entered France after January 1st, 2021 if their family ties with a British national benefitting from the withdrawal agreement predate January 1st, 2021. The application must be lodged within 3 months of the arrival as no visa is required. Family members falling under this category are:
- direct descendants of less than 21 years of age or dependant on the British citizen financially;
- direct ascendants dependant on the British citizen financially;
- spouses or partners able to prove a durable and established relationship;
- direct ascendants or descendants dependant on the British citizen’s spouse financially;
- children of the British citizen born or adopted after January 1st, 2021.
NB: minor children benefitting from the withdrawal agreement can have a Children’s Movement Title (DCEM) delivered free of charge.
- British citizens and their family members (as defined above and also including spouses and partners of French citizens whose established relationship can be proven before January 1st 2021) who can prove a legitimate motive to file their application late (i.e. after October 4th, 2021). This legitimate motive can be a force majeur event, health reasons, pandemic-related or professional reasons for example.
These applications must be lodged with the French Préfecture of the place of residence, Home Conseil’s Immigration Department is available to assist you in these proceedings!