Auris Relocation have offices in Zurich, Zug, Basel, Berne, Geneva and Lausanne and was founded in 2002.
We offer a comprehensive range of professional services for companies and their employees planning to settle in Switzerland, and for personnel transferring abroad.
We at Auris Relocation have specific expertise in the areas of relocation, commercial and residential real estate, property and facility management, international project management and human resources. Our team is highly qualified, with diverse specializations and great personal commitment. We listen and analyze, provide orientation and generate trust and confidence for the transition to a new environment.
Sjoerd Broers is founding partner of Auris Relocation. He holds both a PhD in natural sciences and an MBA. He has worked as a management consultant, acquiring international project management experience in a broad range of industries. He also has experience in the venture capital world as an investment manager. Sjoerd is Dutch, he lived 2 years in Geneva and has lived in the Zurich area for over 14 years.
Sandra Gassmann is also founding partner of Auris Relocation. She has over 20 years experience in residential and commercial real estate and facility management. Sandra is a federally accredited real estate manager. She is Swiss and lives in the Zurich area.
AG Sjoerd Broers (Managing Partner)
PO Box
8065 Zürich
Contact: +41.44.808.60.00
Fax: +41.44.808.60.01

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